Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday, March 12

Essential Question
How can you use data to predict an event?
Learning Target/Objective
I will be able to identify a line of fit for a scatter plot.
Mindbender Monday
Skills Practice
Go through test
9.2 Activity
P. 382-383 #4, 16
Pi Day is coming up on Wednesday!
Here are the first 1000 digits of pi for the memorization contest.
Remember that you can bring in a pie to share on pi day! No nuts or peanut butter. Best if it doesn't need to be refrigerated.

Quiz on 9.1 and 9.2 Thursday. Study by working on p. 385 #1-4, 6.

Chapter 8 test retake Thursday 3/22 after school or Friday 3/23 before school (7:45--you’ll need a pass). You must complete p. 363-365 #2-14 even and turn it in on the day of the retake, along with the original test.